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  • Stained glass from inside a Cathedral
  • Temple complex
  • Entry gate
  • Small friendly restuarant
  • "Out of the Wood" by Lewis Cohen.  This wooden typewriter reminds me that people have been self-sufficient for a long time -- making things and helping one another and themselves.
  • Home schooling can be powerful.

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Why use this bulletin board?

Barry Koren

It's kind of like Facebook and kind of like Craigslist - so why would someone want to use this site rather than the others?

The main purpose of this site is to provide a tool for people to connect with one another around ordinary, day-to-day needs as well as to deal with issues of larger importance. Whether it's something needed in the home environment or an issue of work, raising kids, healthcare, etc., I believe our best shot at solving these problems is for people in local villages to talk with one another and help one another. 

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