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Meet new people, learn about creative ideas & projects and contribute your suggestions.
The Green ProAction Café is the first in a series of three gatherings intended to increase the number and diversity of residents that are engaged in dialogue and collaborative action focused on building a healthy and resilient community for our children's future. The Green ProAction Café will be held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 6:15 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., at the Oak Park Main Library. 834 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL
Residents from neighborhood groups, block clubs, congregations, school-based groups, apartment dwellers and all who are interested in helping weave a strong fabric for the Oak Park and River Forest communities are encouraged to participate
The ProAction Café is an interactive, small-group, process that moves us from idea, question or project, toward creative action. We will hear about and help to develop projects that are already in the works and nurture budding new ideas. A few examples include building a "wildlife corridor," supporting a clean Des Plaines River with natural lawn care, and promoting action at the federal level to reduce carbon and increase renewable energy.
This event is organized by Green Community Connections, and partially funded through a grant from OPRF Community Foundation. For details: Call or email Sally Stovall for questions. ([email protected], or 773-315-1109).
Join the conversation on February 10th and contribute to shaping a healthy and resilient future for our children!