
CHICAGO Marketplace

Free local ads for buying and selling, with or without dollars.

To buy and sell without dollars, use hours. Here’s how it works: If I am offering a guitar lesson and you want one, after the lesson I get one hour credit and you get one hour debit in our timebank. You owe me nothing, but you owe the community of members of our timebank one hour, which you clear when a member takes you up on something you offer. When I want to spend my one hour, I look at the offerings in the marketplace below, and select something that’s offered in hours.

Use this board to help build our local economy and enrich your village experience.

Free local ads for buying and selling, with or without dollars. More...

To buy and sell without dollars, use hours. Here’s how it works: If I am offering a guitar lesson and you want one, after the lesson I get one hour credit and you get one hour debit in our timebank. You owe me nothing, but you owe the community of members of our timebank one hour, which you clear when a member takes you up on something you offer. When I want to spend my one hour, I look at the offerings in the marketplace below, and select something that’s offered in hours.

Use this board to help build our local economy and enrich your village experience.

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