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The American Association of Architectural Students AIAS, Inc., is an independent, nonprofit student-run organization, founded in 1956. Located in Washington, D.C., the AIAS is headquartered in the AIA building. The National Office represents student opinions on the Boards of Directors of The American Institute of Architects (AIA), Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), and the boards of various organizations involved with the discipline and profession of architecture. American Institute of Architects American Institute of Architects - Connection to the AIAOnline Network, a comprehensive family of online services designed especially for architects - including e-architect web site of the AIA with employment information, project leads, conferences and special events, Institute and industry news, iTalk, research resources and more... American Society of Landscape Architects Founded in 1899, the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) is the association that represents the landscape architecture profession in the United States. ASLA has grown from 11 original members to more than 13,500 members, 80 corporate members, and 48 chapters to date. The Society's mission is to lead, educate, and participate in the careful stewardship, wise planning, and artful design of our cultural and natural environments. The American Society of Landscape Architects seeks to improve public understanding of the profession and to advance the practice of landscape architecture through education, communication, publications, online services, professional interaction and development. Applied Technology Council The Applied Technology Council (ATC) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation established in 1971 through the efforts of the Structural Engineers Association of California. ATC's mission is to develop state-of-the-art, user-friendly engineering resources and applications for use in mitigating the effects of natural and other hazards on the built environment. ATC also identifies and encourages needed research and develops consensus opinions on structural engineering issues in a nonproprietary format. ATC thereby fulfills a unique role in funded information transfer. The Architectural Research Centers Consortium The Architectural Research Centers Consortium, Inc. (ARCC) is an international consortium of architectural research centers committed to the expansion of research culture and infrastructure in architecture and related design disciplines. Since its founding as a non-profit corporation in 1976, ARCC has exerted a concerted commitment to the improvement of the physical environment and the quality of life. Associated Research Centers for Urban Underground Space ACUUS is an international, non-governmental organization dedicated to partnerships amongst experts who design, analyse and decide upon the use of our cities underground spaces. Association for Environmentally Conscious Building The AECB was formed in 1989 to encourage greater environmental awareness within the UK construction industry. Our membership is very diverse and encompasses almost every sector of building construction and management. The AECB charter encourages our members to persevere towards ever-improving environmental standards in exchange for dedicated support and promotion from the association. The Boston Society of Architects The Boston Society of Architects (BSA) administers programs and provides resources that enhance the practice of architecture and the public and professional understanding of design. Since its establishment in 1867, this nonprofit professional service organization has been a committed advocate of excellence in the built environment and increased service of the profession to society. Building Officials and Code Administrators International Founded in 1915, Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc., is a nonprofit member- ship association, comprised of more than 16,000 members who span the building community, from code enforcement officials to materials manufacturers. We are dedicated to preserving the public health, safety and welfare in the built environment through the effective, efficient use and enforcement of Model Codes. BOCA provides a unique opportunity for any individual to join and derive the benefits of membership. Our members are professionals who are directly or indirectly engaged in the construction and regulatory process. Canadian Architecture A one stop shopping web site for all aspects of the Canadian building trades. Center for Alternative Technology Center for Alternative Technology; "Europe's foremost eco-center". They offer consultancy to major corporations, as well as education. The Center for Health Design The Center for Health Design "Creating a future where the built environment supports the highest level of human health, well-being, and achievement in all aspects of life and work. Center for the Understanding of the Built Environment Center for the Understanding of the Built Environment; a grass-roots, community organization. CUBE brings together educators with community partners to effect change which will lead to a quality built and natural environment, one and interdependent. Chicago Architecture Foundation Chicago Architecture Foundation; with "gift shop", online tours, and information. Organization of the Society of College and University Planners Organization of the Society of College and University Planners and online magazine. The Rice Institute Design Alliance The Rice Design Alliance (RDA), established in 1973, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of architecture, urban design, and the built environment in the Houston region through educational programs, the publication of Cite, and active programs to initiate physical improvements. Initiative for Architectural Research (IAR) Initiative for Architectural Research (IAR) was established as a joint effort of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), American Institute of Architects (AIA), and Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC). "Initiative for Architectural Research...A voice advocating for the varying complexity and breadth of research being conducted by architectural practitioners, academics, and members of the building industry." Institute for Women and Technology The Institute for Women and Technology works in areas that engage women and men in industry, academia, government and communities to imagine, design, create and deploy technologies that have positive impacts on women around the world. International Interior Design Association The International Interior Design Association (IIDA) is a professional networking and educational association of more than 10,000 members in 8 specialty Forums, 9 Regions, and more than 30 Chapters around the world committed to enhancing the quality of life through excellence in interior design and advancing interior design through knowledge. Interior Design Educators Council The Interior Design Educators Council, Inc. (IDEC) was founded in 1963 and is dedicated to the advancement of education and research in interior design. IDEC fosters exchange of information, improvement of educational standards, and development of the body of knowledge relative to the quality of life and human performance in the interior environment. National Association of Women in Construction NAWIC is an international association that promotes and supports the advancement and employment of women in the construction industry. The National Institute of Building Sciences "The building community's connection to the authoritative national source of knowledge and advice on matters of building regulation, science and technology." Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) RIBA web site. Society of Architectural Historians The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) and its members invite the support and active participation of all who share our interest in architecture -- past, present, and future. Founded in 1940, the Society encourages scholarly research in the field and promotes the preservation of significant architectural monuments that are an integral part of our worldwide historical and cultural heritage. Society of Women Engineers The Society of Women Engineers is a non-profit educational and service organization of graduate engineers and women and men with equivalent engineering experience.
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