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Ordinary people ridding us of the drug problem in Rockford?

Barry Koren

Yesterday I was talking with someone who's lived and worked in Rockford for a  long time.

When I asked how things were in Rockford, one of the things she mentioned was that heroin is rampant in Rockford.  She mentioned three people she knew who died recently, two of overdoses.  I asked why heroin was so rampant.  She said that kids are texting all the time, they’re bored, and adults with money give their kids money and leave them on their own.

I asked her what she could do about the heroin problem and the boredom.  She shrugged hr shoulders and said, “Call the police?”  I said that won’t get rid of the boredom or kids being on their own.  She agreed.  The conversation went on but the bottom line for me is if people want to have a can-do attitude about drugs, they’ve got to know what they can do.

My sense is that if people concerned about drugs were connected to friend, to bored kids with time on their hands, and to one another, my friend, the kids, and others would know what to do.  They’d be part of a very powerful force that’s been around through the generations, guiding people to lead positive, productive, fulfilled lives.

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