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Test of line spacing and Task #2b

Barry Koren
Use this board to reach out and contact someone when you're looking for someone to play tennis with. And a great new feature is our Tennis Member Gallery which has photos, USTA ratings, and sometimes additional info for each member. (To edit your info, click on your name: My account/Edit profile.) This group is most useful if you reach out to contact someone when you want to find someone to play tennis with. Please don't wait for someone to contact you. You can contact members by clicking on their name or photo and sending a private message. They will receive it as an email. Also, you can post to the entire group and reply by email: [email protected]. You needn't go to the site. All the posts go out as emails to all of us. You can also reply just to the author of the post: click the link at the bottom of the email notification. My hope is that this board is encourages people to play tennis. - See more at: Use this board to reach out and contact someone when you're looking for someone to play tennis with. And a great new feature is our Tennis Member Gallery which has photos, USTA ratings, and sometimes additional info for each member. (To edit your info, click on your name: My account/Edit profile.) This group is most useful if you reach out to contact someone when you want to find someone to play tennis with. Please don't wait for someone to contact you. You can contact members by clicking on their name or photo and sending a private message. They will receive it as an email. Also, you can post to the entire group and reply by email: [email protected]. You needn't go to the site. All the posts go out as emails to all of us. You can also reply just to the author of the post: click the link at the bottom of the email notification. My hope is that this board is encourages people to play tennis. - See more at: This is a copy of the post in /optennis. Use this board to reach out and contact someone when you're looking for someone to play tennis with. And a great new feature is our Tennis Member Gallery which has photos, USTA ratings, and sometimes additional info for each member. (To edit your info, click on your name: My account/Edit profile.) This group is most useful if you reach out to contact someone when you want to find someone to play tennis with. Please don't wait for someone to contact you. You can contact members by clicking on their name or photo and sending a private message. They will receive it as an email. Also, you can post to the entire group and reply by email: [email protected]. You needn't go to the site. All the posts go out as emails to all of us. You can also reply just to the author of the post: click the link at the bottom of the email notification. My hope is that this board is encourages people to play tennis. Use this board to reach out and contact someone when you're looking for someone to play tennis with. And a great new feature is our Tennis Member Gallery which has photos, USTA ratings, and sometimes additional info for each member. (To edit your info, click on your name: My account/Edit profile.) This group is most useful if you reach out to contact someone when you want to find someone to play tennis with. Please don't wait for someone to contact you. You can contact members by clicking on their name or photo and sending a private message. They will receive it as an email. Also, you can post to the entire group and reply by email: [email protected]. You needn't go to the site. All the posts go out as emails to all of us. You can also reply just to the author of the post: click the link at the bottom of the email notification. My hope is that this board is encourages people to play tennis. - See more at:
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