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Sally Stovall

Feb 10th, 6:15 to 9pm: Green ProAction Café, Oak Park Library
Meet new people, add your creativity to projects already in the works and help nurture new ideas. The ProAction Café is an interactive, small-group process.  Conversations will build on each other as people move between tables, cross-pollinating ideas and offering new insights.   We'll gather at the Main Oak Park Library (834 Lake St.) at 6:15 p.m.
Tonight 6:15 to 9pm: Green ProAction Café, Oak Park Library
Meet new people, add your creativity to projects already in the works and help nurture new ideas. The ProAction Café is an interactive, small-group process.  Conversations will build on each other as people move between tables, cross-pollinating ideas and offering new insights.   We'll gather at the Main Oak Park Library (834 Lake St.) at 6:15 p.m.
Tonight 6:15 to 9pm: Green ProAction Café, Oak Park Library
Meet new people, add your creativity to projects already in the works and help nurture new ideas. The ProAction Café is an interactive, small-group process.  Conversations will build on each other as people move between tables, cross-pollinating ideas and offering new insights.   We'll gather at 6:15 p.m. for a light supper and have an opportunity to select topic dialogues that you would like to participate in.
Tonight 6:15 to 9pm: Green ProAction Café, Oak Park Library
Meet new people, add your creativity to projects already in the works and help nurture new ideas. The ProAction Café is an interactive, small-group process.  Conversations will build on each other as people move between tables, cross-pollinating ideas and offering new insights.   We'll gather at 6:15 p.m. for a light supper and have an opportunity to select topic dialogues that you would like to participate in.
Save the date: 2/10/14 Green ProAction Cafe, 6:15 to 9pm
Meet new people, learn about creative ideas & projects and contribute your suggestions. The Green ProAction Café is the first in a series of three gatherings intended to increase the number and diversity of residents that are engaged in dialogue and collaborative action focused on building a healthy and resilient community for our children's future.  The Green ProAction Café  will be held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 6:15 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., at the Oak Park Main Library.  834 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL