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Test 1, 10/21/14, 2pm
Test 1, 10/21/14, 2pm
This looks like a great group, I am so happy to be a member.
This looks like a great group, I am so happy to be a member.
I love the links inlcuded on this site.  It's a gre
I love the links inlcuded on this site.  It's a great way to save my bookmarks.
Boy's hockey skates, size 8
Boy's hockey skates for sale.  Gently used, excellent condition, size 8.
Admin created post 4 by Lisa, 6/25/14, 7
Admin created post 4 by Lisa, 6/25/14, 7:57am
Admin creat post 2 by Lisa
Admin creat post 2 by Lisa
Bhuv creating a post by Lisa
Bhuv creating a post by Lisa
Admin creating a post by Lisa
Admin creating a post by Lisa
The snow has finally melted, and I am lo
The snow has finally melted, and I am looking forward to the Farmers Market starting next month.
Babysitter needed
We are looking for a babysitter this Saturday afternoon from noon to 2pm.   Steven (6 yrs) will have eaten lunch and will be ready to play in the backyard, you can also take him to the library.  You would need to arrive at 11:45 so we can quickly review the emergency info.  We will be home around shortly after 2pm.  Offering $10 per hr.
Oak Park black belt karate kata

Stuff - Canning jars for sale, Oak Park
1 case of 18oz canning jars with lids for sale. Asking price $12 for the case, OBO.
Maya Del Sol, Latin restuarant recommendation
Election night I attended the Anan campaign victory party at his restaurant Maya. I high recommend this restaurant for it's Latin infusion cuisine, everything we sampled from the appetizers to desserts was delicious. Visit here for a full restaurant review from the Oak Leaves
Live clean!
Hope to connect with local folks on on-going healthy living habits in Oak Park. Everything from growing our on food, riding bikes to travel locally in OP, to Buddhist study.
Diminishing yields in vegetable crops
Looking forward to some gardening tips, especially regarding growing your own food in Oak Park. I have planted an extensive vegetable garden for the last 5 years, and the crop is diminishing annually, especially the tomatoes. Any ideas as to what could be going on? I have also purchased a "bee house" and unfortunately no bees have come home to live:(
Food lover
As a culinary chef and lover of great food, I am excited to join this food group. Hopefully people will share recipes, tips, beautiful photos so we can all get and stay inspired.
Spring Gardening in Oak Park
Getting ready for the gardening season, happy to see some local discussion for Oak Park.
Vajrayana Kadampa Buddhist Center - local meditation classes
Vajrayana Kadampa Buddhist Center is located at the corner of Austin and Harrison street in beautiful Oak Park, Illinois, where we serve the community as a place of peace and refuge.  13 Harrison St., Oak Park, IL 60304 Tel: (708) 763-0132
Support local theater - BRAVO competing in National festival
For the fifth consecutive year, student performers from Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School's BRAVO! program are heading to the National Junior Theater Festival in Atlanta, Georgia over the Martin Luther King holiday weekend.
The rights of homeless children in OP
How do we protect the rights of homeless children in the Oak Park school system?   What legal issues need to be addressed? Proof of residency, guardianship, forced enrollment dates, bussing?  The answer is not so simply.  What are your thoughts?
Revising the residency requirement at OPRFHS.
Should District 200 follow other local districts and revise the residency requirement (i.e tighten existing loopholes)?   What is your opinion?
Wanted: canning jars
Wanted: canning jars, various sizes.  Will pick up if local (5 miles max).  Willing to pay by the piece if they are not for free.   
What do you donate to The Brown Elephant?

Looking for a gardening group in Oak Park