Hello. My name is Karen Arnold. The profile picture you see is not of me. However, I hope that maybe it has grabbed your attention as it is a picture of my grandfather with a desk he made me when I was a teenager. Unfortunately, the desk was accidentally sold in a garage sale that my mom had within the last 6-12 months (May - October 2015) . I am desperate to find the buyer of this desk and see if I could buy this back from her. All I know is that a young teenage girl bought this and the sale took place on Spring Creek Road in Rockford. PLEASE if you are this person, or know the person that bought the desk in this picture, please contact me. Your kindness and generosity will be rewarded. I hope that anyone out there that has any information will please find it in their hearts to contact me or my mom. Please reach my mom at 708.860.8061 or myself (long distance) 604.652.1994