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May 4th, 6 to 9pm. TimeBanking & more - Try it, you'll like it

Barry Koren

“Try it, you’ll like it! “ Develop strategies to increase the use of TimeBanking:  It’s time for us to use the many wonderful assets of all residents, increasing sharing of unmet needs and unused resources.  A time bank can help us do that.  

A time bank is a tool that matches individuals who have something to share (which is everyone) with individuals and organizations that have needs. 

Join us to explore the assets and needs in OPRF that can be matched through TimeBanking and encourage residents to try it.

We'll have a 45-minute round-table discussion as part of the Green ProAction Cafe 2. 

  • The Green ProAction Café  2 will be held on Monday, May 4, 2015, 6 to 9 pm, at the Oak Park Main Library.  834 Lake Street.  We'll gather at 6:00 p.m. with a light supper and have an opportunity to select the action project that we would like to work on.  The program will start at 6:30 with a brief description of each action project - TimeBanking will be one of these projects - and the group work will start at 7 p.m.
  • Learn more and register at
    For questions on Cafe contact: [email protected] or 773.315.1109.  Or on TimeBanking: [email protected] or 708-445-0000.
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