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Posting Your Message

Barry Koren

Welcome to our group's bulletin board.

To post a message,

1.  Click in the "What's on your mind?" box.

2.  You will be prompted to sign in.  If you don't have a Facebook account, click on "sign in."
3.  Put in your email address and password and click on the "Sign in" button.  You know you're signed in when it says "Hello your name" in the upper right.
4.  Click on the "Groups" button (just below the carousel), and then click on "Group list."
5.  You'll see the various groups on the site.  Click on "Inner Peace/World Peace."
6.  You'll be on our group bulletin board.  Click on the "What's on your mind?" box and express your thoughts.  Hit return or click on the submit button.

If you have any trouble, please let me know and I will be glad to help.  --Barry

read 424 times
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